accorded to the key management personnel, and enable the Unitholders to understand the relationship between CICT’s performance, value creation and the remuneration of key management personnel. For the above reasons, the Manager is of the view that the interests of Unitholders are not prejudiced by this partial deviation. Apart from the key management personnel and other employees of the Manager, the Manager outsources various other services to a wholly owned subsidiary of CLI (CLI Subsidiary). The CLI Subsidiary provides these services through its employees and employees of CLI Group (together, the Outsourced Personnel). This arrangement is put in place so as to provide flexibility and maximise efficiency in resource management to match the needs of CICT from time to time, as well as to leverage on economies of scale and tap on the management talent of an established corporate group which can offer enhanced depth and breadth of experience. Notwithstanding the outsourcing arrangement, the responsibility for due diligence, oversight and accountability continues to reside with the Board and Management. In this regard, the remuneration of such Outsourced Personnel, being employees of the CLI Subsidiary and CLI Group, is not included as part of the disclosure of remuneration of key management personnel of the Manager in this Report. In FY 2021, a one-time Special CLI Founders Performance Share Plan (Special PSP Award) was granted by the CLI Group to selected senior executives within the group (including the Manager) to commemorate its listing, foster a "founders' mindset" in driving transformation, and retain talent. The grant has a five-year performance period with defined performance parameters which are linked to CLI. Subject to the performance achieved, the award may vest at the end of the third year and/or fifth year. In addition, such compensation is in the long-term interests of CICT as CICT is a key part of CLl's business and ecosystem (and it is also the largest Unitholder of CICT), and Management's actions to grow CICT and drive CICT's performance will also have a positive impact on CLI, thus reinforcing the complementary nature of the linked performance between CICT and CLI. The cost of this one-time award will be borne by the Manager and it will not form a significant part of the key management personnel's annual remuneration. In addition, a proportion of the Management's remuneration is paid in the form of Units, which further incentivises the Management to take actions which are beneficial to the Unitholders. Accordingly, the Special PSP Award will not result in the Management prioritising the interest of CLI over that of CICT given that the bulk of their remuneration is determined based on the evaluation of the performance of CICT and a proportion of their remuneration comprises Units. In addition, it should be further noted that under the SFA, the Manager and Directors of the Manager are required to act in the best interest of CICT and give priority to the interest of CICT over the interests of the shareholders of the Manager, and this would further mitigate any potential conflicts of interests. Save for the Special PSP Award, the NRC will continue to assess and reward the key management personnel based on the performance of CICT. Accordingly, the Manager is of the view that there would not be any conflicts of interest arising from the arrangement, nor would the arrangement result in any misalignment of interest with those of Unitholders. There was no new Special PSP Award in FY 2023. In respect of the Special PSP Award granted in FY 2021, the qualifying performance period has not ended as at the date of this Report. In FY 2023, no termination, retirement or post-employment benefits were granted to Directors, the CEO and other key management personnel. There was also no special retirement plan, 'golden parachute' or special severance package for any of the key management personnel. In FY 2023, there were no employees of the Manager who were substantial shareholders of the Manager, substantial Unitholders of CICT or immediate family members of a Director, the CEO, any substantial shareholder of the Manager or any substantial Unitholder and whose remuneration exceeds S$100,000. "Immediate family member" refers to the spouse, child, adopted child, step-child, sibling or parent of the individual. Disclosures under AIFMR The Manager is required under the AIFMR to make quantitative disclosures of remuneration. Disclosures are provided in relation to (a) the staff of the Manager; (b) staff who are senior management; and (c) staff who have the ability to materially affect the risk profile of CICT. All individuals included in the aggregated figures disclosed are rewarded in line with the Manager's remuneration policies described in this Report. Overview Leadership Performance Framework Other Information ANNUAL REPORT 2023 153