CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust - Annual Report 2023

Key Audit Matter How this Issue was Addressed by the ARC Valuation of investment properties The ARC considered the valuation methodologies and key assumptions applied by the valuers for investment properties in arriving at the valuations and also evaluated the valuers’ objectivity and competency. In order to provide fresh perspectives to the valuation process, the valuers do not value the same property for more than two consecutive years. This practice has been consistently adhered to over time. The ARC reviewed the outputs from the valuation process of the investment properties and held discussions with Management and the external auditors to review the valuation methodologies, focusing on significant changes in fair value measurement and key drivers of the changes including assessing the reasonableness of the capitalisation rates, discount rates and terminal yield rates adopted by the valuers. The valuation of investment properties was also an area of focus for the external auditors. The ARC considered the findings of the external auditors, including their assessment of the appropriateness of valuation methodologies and the key assumptions applied in the valuation of investment properties. The ARC was satisfied with the valuation process, the methodologies used and the valuation of the investment properties. The Manager confirms, on behalf of CICT, that CICT complies with Rules 712 and 715 of the Listing Manual in relation to the appointment of its external auditors. Internal Audit The Manager has in place an internal audit function supported by CLl's Internal Audit Department (CLI IA). The head of CLI IA is Ms Jenny Tan. CLI IA is independent of the activities it audits and has unfettered access to the CICT Group's documents, records, properties and employees, including access to the ARC, and has appropriate standing with respect to the Manager. The primary reporting line of CLI IA in respect of CICT Group is to the ARC, however, the ARC does not decide on the appointment, termination and remuneration of the head of CLI IA as it operates at the CLI Group level. While this is a deviation from Provision 10.4 which requires the ARC to decide on the appointment, termination and remuneration of the head of the internal audit function, CLI IA is able to carry out its role effectively for the reasons below and is accordingly consistent with the intent of Principle 10 of the Code. The ARC monitors and assesses the role and effectiveness of the internal audit function through reviewing the internal audit process from time to time and may make recommendations to the Board for any changes to the internal audit process. The ARC also reviews to ensure that the internal audit function is adequately resourced and skilled in line with the nature, size and complexity of the Manager and CICT's business, and that an adequate budget is allocated to the internal audit function to assure its proper functioning. In respect of FY 2023, the ARC has carried out a review of the internal audit function and is satisfied that the internal audit function performed by CLI IA is adequately resourced, effective and independent. In addition, CLI IA has passed the quality assurance review conducted by an external independent auditor. CLI IA formulates its internal audit plan in consultation with, but independently of, Management and its plan is submitted to the ARC for approval prior to the beginning of each year. CLI IA adopts a risk-based approach in formulating the audit plan that aligns its activities to the key strategies and risks across the CICT Group's business. The reviews performed by CLI IA are focused on assisting the Board in promoting sound risk management, robust internal controls and good corporate governance, through assessing the design and effectiveness of operating controls that govern key business processes and risks identified in the overall risk framework of the CICT Group. CLI IA also reviews compliance with the CICT Group's policies, procedures and regulatory responsibilities, performed in the context of financial and operational and information system reviews. 158 CAPITALAND INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL TRUST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE