Green Building Ratings Green building ratings help affirm the quality of CICT’s properties. They serve as an external validation that key environmental aspects have been considered in CICT’s project design, development and operations. Alignedwith CLI, CICT targets to green all its existing properties by 2030 with each property achieving a minimum certification level by a green rating Environment Health and Safety Impact Assessment A key component of the SBG is the mandatory EHSIA which is conducted during the feasibility stage of any potential acquisitions or investments in operational assets and development projects as part of due diligence. This involves establishing the baseline environmental performance such as energy efficiency and comparing it against CapitaLand's 2030 SMP targets. The assessment also includes transition and physical risk and opportunity considerations, as well as the application of an internal carbon price. This assessment would guide the businesses to consider EHS risks and opportunities upfront and identify mitigation measures earlier. The significant findings of the EHSIA and their cost implications are incorporated in the investment paper submitted to Board of Directors for approval. This also forms part of CLI’s proprietary new metric, Return on Sustainability, to quantify the risks and valuecreation opportunities for each project. 0.7% | Non-rated 4.2% | LEED Gold 4.5% | BREEAM Good 5.8% | NABERS Energy 40.0% | BCAGreen Mark GoldPLUS and BCAGreen Mark Gold 44.8% | BCA Green Mark Platinum system administered by a national government ministry/agency or World Green Building Council. The minimum target certification for our new developments in Singapore is Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark GoldPLUS. CICT is committed to actively renew and maintain our green certifications and achieve minimum BCA Green Mark certification for all properties. 99% of portfolio GFA are green rated MAJORITYOF PORTFOLIO HAVE GREEN RATINGS BASEDON GFAOF 26 PROPERTIES CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust 22 Environment Managing Environmental Footprint