SUSTAINABILITY APPROACH MAINTAINING DIVERSITY ON THE BOARD CICTML Board embraces diversity and has in place a Board Diversity Policy. The Board Diversity Policy provides for the Board to comprise talented and dedicated Directors with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, perspectives, skills and backgrounds, with due consideration to diversity factors, including but not limited to, diversity in business or professional experience, age and gender. For more information, please refer to the Governance section of the SR 2023 and the Corporate Governance section of the AR 2023. GLOBAL BENCHMARKING CICT remains guidedby externally validated international standards and frameworks in our sustainability reporting and will strive to continue enhancing our disclosures. CICT’s SR 2023 has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, aligned with GRESB with references to Value Reporting Foundation Integrated Reporting Framework, UN SDGs, SASB Standards for Real Estate and Real Estate Services and TCFD1. We will continue to enhance our disclosures in accordance with these standards, and working towards preparing ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CICT’S SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Roles and Responsibilities CEO and Executive Director • Responsible for decisions on ESG-related targets and engagements with stakeholders. Portfolio Management • Works closely withAsset Management and Property Management teams to evaluate solutions relating to matters including green energy procurement, greening of the portfolio and related capital expenditure, and promoting workplace safety and health. • Engages with staff and investors on ESG matters. Investment • Responsible for seeking growth opportunities with environmental impact as one of the assessment criteria. Finance • Responsible for securing green financing and engaging with stakeholders, such as bankers and debt investors. Investor Relations • Responsible for engagements with stakeholders, including investors and ESG rating agencies as well as ESG reporting matters. Asset Management • Responsible for proposing solutions relating to matters including green energy procurement, greening of the portfolio and related capital expenditure. • Engages various internal stakeholders on ESG matters. Property Management - Engineering, Systems and Sustainability - Operations • Responsible for driving innovative ESG solutions, and operational efficiency and processes, piloting CSXC initiatives roll-out, achieving target consumption savings, promoting workplace safety and health and engaging with staff, tenants, service providers and relevant government agencies for ESG matters. 1 The Financial Stability Board (FSB) set up the TCFD in 2015 to address concerns around insufficient disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities. Following the publication of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, and at the FSB's request, the TCFD itself is now being subsumed into the ISSB with the standard-setter taking over the monitoring of the progress on companies' climate-related disclosures from 2024. for International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) standards relating to climate reporting. CICT is committed to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. This aligns with CLI, as a signatory to the UNGC since 2015. Additionally, CLI became a signatory of the UNsupported Principles of Responsible Investing (UN PRI) and the Institute of Limited Partners Association (ILPA) Diversity in Action initiative in February 2023. As a testament to our efforts to enhancing ESG standards and improve disclosures, CICT continues to be listed in ESG indices such as FTSE4Good Index Series, iEdge SG ESG Leaders Index and iEdge SG ESG Transparency Index. CICT will continue to rely on CLI’s external assurance in their GSR with reference to the ISAE 3000 International Standard on Assurance Engagements. The assurance will cover the sustainability performance of CLI’s employees and global portfolio, which includes the properties under CLI’s six listed REITs and business trusts, such as CICT. CLI's GSR 2023 will be published on its website in May 2024. 18 CAPITALAND INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL TRUST