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The objective for Funan The IT Mall is to drive up shopper traffic and sales through quality promotions, events and publicity so as to position Funan The IT Mall as a premier one-stop destination for all IT and digital needs.





Tenancy Mix
Funan The IT Mall is transforming itself into a one-stop destination for families, offering an all-round suite of products with a focus on digital lifestyle catering to all age groups.

With the continuing efforts to refine and strengthen the retail mix at Funan The IT Mall, many F&B and lifestyle shops such as Delifrance and Royal Sporting House were introduced in 2004. In addition, the expansion of South Asia Computer, specialising in IT peripheral goods, broadened the range of offerings. It is the mall’s aim to bring in more such IT peripheral tenants as well as a wider range of electronic equipments and gadgets.

Advertising & Promotions
In 2004, Funan The IT Mall continued to focus on building its position as a premier IT and digital destination, by hosting product launches, roadshows and gaming challenges in the main atrium. These included the national launch of Counterstrike Condition Zero and Xbox Halo 2 games. Events such as the 3D2N Funan Cyber Game Challenge 04 and SingTel Extreme League online gaming challenge were well received by the gaming community and received extensive media coverage, thereby increasing awareness of the mall amongst the teenage community.

The Funan 2-day Mega Sales, held in June and December, were once again a crowd-puller. These events were heavily publicised and featured the signature ‘S$1 Deals’ for which Funan The IT Mall has become popular. Huge discounts were featured, including iPod and PS2 at just S$50 each, which attracted hordes of people and resulted in an increase of approximately 57 percent in shopper traffic.

Some key value-add services were also introduced to entice shoppers and improve the customer shopping experience. In addition to Global Refund service and free unlimited WiFi services, a computer trade-in service provided shoppers with an avenue to trade-in old IT equipment in exchange for the mall’s shopping vouchers.



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