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The objective for IMM Building is to optimise its financial performance and strengthen its market positioning as the leading suburban mall in the west and northwest regions of Singapore as well as to continuously enhance the customers’ retail experience.







Tenancy Mix
IMM offers a wide tenant mix covering furniture, interior design, home furnishings and renovation, bridal, lifestyle, fashion, services and food. Major anchor tenants include Giant hypermarket, Best Denki, Daiso discount store, Kopitiam and Bagus food courts.

Advertising & Promotions
Sales-related, centre-wide promotions, coupled with mass appeal weekend celebrity appearances, movie launches, TV and radio station roadshows, attracted more new shoppers to IMM from across the island and provided more entertainment for the regular residents in the west. In the financial year ended 31 December 2004, an attractive monthly gifts redemption programme and innovative advertising and promotion campaigns drew in an additional 1.3 million shoppers compared to the financial year ended 31 December 2003 - breaking the record for the highest shopper traffic at IMM for the past three years.

In April 2004, the ‘3 Hour Sale’ drove over approximately 30 percent increase in shopper traffic to IMM and most tenants enjoyed a tremendous increase in sales.

Iconic events such as the Classic Mom Contest in May, Children’s Day and Good Home & Great Food promotion in October attracted families to IMM. This translated into an increase of over 17 percent in shopper traffic and a 30.0 percent increase in sales reported by tenants during the promotional periods.

With more new ideas injected to the iconic and festive events, tenants can look forward to more sales-effective campaigns while shoppers will continue to discover more ground-breaking and refreshing activities at IMM.



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