CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust - Annual Report 2023

Investor Relations The Manager has an Investor Relations department which facilitates effective communication with Unitholders and analysts. The Manager also maintains the Website which contains information on CICT including but not limited to its Prospectus, current and past announcements and news releases, financial statements, investor presentations and the annual reports for CICT. The Manager actively engages with Unitholders with a view to solicit and understand their views, and has put in place a Unitholders' Communication and Investor Relations Policy which allows for an ongoing exchange of views so as to promote regular, effective and fair communications with Unitholders. The Unitholders' Communication and Investor Relations Policy, which sets out the mechanism through which Unitholders may contact the Manager with questions and through which the Manager may respond to such questions, is available on the Website. Unitholders are welcome to engage with the Manager beyond general meetings and they may do so by contacting the Investor Relations department whose details may be found on the Website under the IR Home page. More information on the Manager's investor and media relations efforts can be found in the Investor Relations section on page 54 of this AR and Our Investors section on pages 70 to 71 of the SR 2023. The Manager also has in place a corporate communications function supported by CLl's Group Communications department which works closely with the media and oversees CICT's media communications efforts. Managing Stakeholder Relationships The Board's role includes considering sustainability as part of its strategy formulation. The Manager adopts an inclusive approach for CICT by considering and balancing the needs and interests of material stakeholders, as part of the overall strategy to ensure that the best interests of CICT are served. The Manager is committed to sustainability and incorporates the key principles of environmental and social responsibility, and corporate governance in CICT's business strategies and operations. The Manager has arrangements in place to identify and engage with material stakeholder groups from time to time to gather feedback on the sustainability issues most important to them and to manage its relationships with such groups. Such arrangements include maintaining the Website, which is kept updated with current information on its sustainability approach and stakeholder engagements, to facilitate communication and engagement with CICT's stakeholders. The rights of CICT's creditors, which comprises of lending banks, are protected with a well-spread debt maturity, healthy interest coverage ratio and gearing ratio below the regulated limited. Regular internal reviews are also conducted to ensure that various capital management metrics remain compliant with loan covenants. For more details of CICT's sustainability approach, environmental policies and stakeholder engagements, please refer to the SR 2023. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Executive Committee In addition to the ARC and NRC, the Board has also established an EC. The members of the EC are Mr Jonathan Yap Neng Tong (EC Chairman), Mr Tony Tan Tee Hieong and Ms Janine Gui Siew Kheng. The EC oversees the day-to-day activities of the Manager and that of CICT, on behalf of the Board. The EC is guided by its terms of reference, in particular, the EC: (a) approves specific budgets for capital expenditure ondevelopment projects, acquisitions and enhancements/ upgrading of properties within its approved financial limits; (b) reviews management reports and operating budgets; and (c) awards contracts for development projects. The members of the EC also meet informally during the course of the year. 162 CAPITALAND INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL TRUST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE