CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust - Annual Report 2023

Trust Deed to permit absentia voting after it has carried out careful study and is satisfied that the integrity of information and the authentication of the identity of Unitholders through the internet will not be compromised, and after the implementation of legislative changes to recognise methods of voting without the need for Unitholders or their duly appointed proxy(ies) to be present in-person or virtually. Minutes of the general meetings recording the substantial and relevant comments made, questions raised and answers provided, are prepared and are available to Unitholders for their inspection upon request. Minutes of general meetings are also made available on the Website. Accordingly, the rights of the Unitholders are consistent with the intent of Principle 11 of the Code. Distribution Policy CICT's distribution policy is to distribute at least 90.0% of its taxable income (other than gains from the sale of real estate properties by CICT which are determined to be trading gains), with the actual level of distribution to be determined at the Manager's discretion. Distributions are generally paid within 35 market days after the relevant record date. Timely Disclosure of Information The Manager is committed to keeping all Unitholders, other stakeholders, analysts and the media informed of CICT's performance and any changes in the CICT Group or its business which is likely to materially affect the price or value of the Units. This is achieved through posting announcements and news releases on the SGXNet on a timely and consistent basis. These announcements and news releases are also posted on the Website. In FY 2023, the Manager provided Unitholders with half year and full year financial statements within the relevant periods prescribed by the Listing Manual. These half year and full year financial statements were reviewed and approved by the Board prior to release to Unitholders by announcement on SGXNet. The release of half year and full year financial statements were accompanied by news releases issued to the media and which were also made available on SGXNet. In presenting the half year and full year financial statements to Unitholders, the Board sought to provide Unitholders with a balanced, clear and comprehensible assessment of CICT and the CICT Group's performance, position and prospects. In addition to the announcement of half year and full year financial statements in FY 2023, in keeping with the Manager's commitment to provide its Unitholders with information promptly, the Manager also provided Unitholders, on a voluntary basis, with quarterly business updates in between the announcement of half-yearly financial statements. Such business updates contain, among other things, information on the CICT Group's key operating and financial metrics. In addition to the release of financial statements, the Manager also keeps CICT's Unitholders, stakeholders and analysts informed of the performance and changes in the CICT Group or its business which would likely materially affect the price or value of the Units on a timely and consistent basis, so as to assist Unitholders and investors in their investment decisions. This is performed through the release on SGXNet of announcements in compliance with regulatory reporting requirements and news releases for the media, on a timely and consistent basis. These announcements and news releases are also posted on the Website. In addition, the Manager also conducts analysts' and media briefings, and the materials used for such briefings are uploaded on SGXNet. The Manager has a formal policy on corporate disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that CICT complies with its disclosure obligations under the Listing Manual. These controls and procedures incorporate the decision-making process and an obligation on internal reporting of the decisions made. The Manager believes in conducting the business of CICT in ways that seek to deliver sustainable value to Unitholders. Best practices are promoted as a means to build an excellent business for CICT and the Manager's accountability to Unitholders for CICT's performance. Prompt fulfilment of statutory reporting requirements is but one way to maintain Unitholders' confidence and trust in the capability and integrity of the Manager. Overview Leadership Performance Framework Other Information ANNUAL REPORT 2023 161