













Human Resources

We believe that investment in our human capital is central to our ability to continue to sustain our growth and increase value for all our stakeholders.

Singapore Retailers Association’s Excellent Service Award 2005 Presentation Ceremony

At CapitaMall Trust (CMT), we recognise that our competitive advantage depends as much on the people who deliver our results as on the physical attributes of our portfolio of properties. Much of CMT’s achievements in 2005 were due to the contributions of an excellent team of competent and committed talents. Thus, leveraging on CapitaLand Limited’s Human Resource platform, CapitaMall Trust Management Limited (CMTML), the Manager, and CapitaLand Retail Management Pte Ltd (CRMPL), the Property Manager, continue to place great emphasis on investing in our human capital to maintain and enhance their level of competence as well as to provide an environment of continuous learning. We believe that investment in our human capital is central to our ability to continue to sustain our growth and increase value for all our stakeholders.

We are committed to developing our people and offer a diverse range of in-house and external programmes for our managers, executives and non-executives to acquire the relevant centre management knowledge and soft skills to help them excel in their work.

Assistant Centre Manager (ACM) Programme
The ACM programme is designed to prepare Centre Manager Designates to assume centre management functions. It is a systematic training programme focused on effective centre management skills, covering training in a full spectrum of functions such as leasing, marketing and communication operations, finance, projects and human resources. The programme, which spans a period of three to six months, includes an experiential learning component where trainees are provided with on-the-job experience in simulated activities such as fire drill, building inspection, electrical shutdown, and tenancy fit-out. Professional guidance in people management, financial management and IT skills form a key part of the agenda. Since its introduction in 2004, six staff have undergone this training. Of the six, two have assumed Centre Manager responsibilities.

On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Since the launch of the OJT program for Customer Service Assistants (CSAs) and Technicians in 2004, more than 90 percent of our CSAs and Technicians have been trained. In addition to the in-house OJT programmes, training by external providers is included in the company’s initiatives to beef up core competencies in customer service for Customer Service Assistants and facilities management for Technicians. External training to boost our customer service standards includes a customised core programme on ‘Creative Ways to Solve Customers’ Problems’. In November 2005, in recognition of their excellent service standards, nine of our CSAs were awarded the Singapore Retailers’ Association’s Excellent Service Award. These awards are a testimony to the success of the OJT programme and affirm our commitment to enhancing shoppers’ experience at our malls.



Study Tours
A study trip to Japan covering Tokyo and Osaka was organised for a group of 14 participants from CRMPL and CMTML. The study trip provided the participants with the opportunity to learn about the retail scene in Japan.

Through a guided tour of select retail malls in both Tokyo and Osaka, participants gained valuable insights on Japanese retail management – from marketing strategies, shop front & interior designs to innovative shopping experiences and promotions. The participants shared their key learning experiences with their colleagues through a presentation upon their return.

Overseas Work Opportunities
As part of CMT’s commitment to harness the best talent and plan their career paths and development, employees are given the opportunity to do overseas assignments. Overseas work experience provides our staff with the opportunity to gain global exposure. It also challenges them to adapt to different countries, cultures and operational settings and allows them to build their global networks.

Building Bonds
To foster camaraderie and esprit de corps, various social and recreational events were organised in 2005. Activities such as bowling, soccer, Chinese New Year and year-end parties drew widespread participation.

On the job training


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