SOCIAL HEALTH & SAFETY Certification to International Standards and Audits CLI’s OHS Management System has been externally audited to recognised international standards for OHS Management Systems since 2009 by third-party accredited certification bodies. CLI has an internal audit system to assure EHS conformance and effective implementation that is aligned to the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. Internal audits within the organisation are diligently conducted at least once annually. Complementing these, yearly external audits were also scheduled with a reputable, accredited thirdparty certification body. Risk Management of OHS Hazards Identifying OHS hazards and assessing their risks are key components inCLI’s OHSManagement System. Our objective is to eliminate or minimise such risks. Hazards Identification and Risk Assessments are reviewed annually, in the aftermath of any incidents, or when there are substantial changes in our processes. We identify the OHS hazards across our business functions – from administration and development to operations – and carefully evaluate their potential risks. Common hazards, such as slips, trips, falls, falls from height, and falling objects, are systematically addressed. To effectively reduce the likelihood of these hazards, each of our BUs has developed and implemented tailored SOPs, ensuring a robust and consistent approach to maintaining the highest levels of safety and health standards. Since October 2020, the EHSIA was made mandatory when evaluating new investments. This process allows our investment team to proactively assess and address OHS risks and opportunities, facilitating the implementation of early mitigation measures. This approach underscores our commitment to integrating safety and sustainability in our investment decisions. APPROACH TO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY The OHS of our stakeholders is of utmost importance to us. We recognise that an effective OHSmanagement system is not only a key part of risk management but also vital for enhancing productivity, morale, and overall well-being. Our goal is to maintain a safe and secure environment in our properties, thereby optimising the retail and office experiences. In line with this commitment, CICT follows CLI’s OHS Management System where we identify and review OHS hazards, assess risks, formulate policies, ensure accountability, develop action plan, and engage stakeholders actively. At CICT, OHS is a collective endeavour, with our Board, senior management and staff actively participating through an integrated EHSMS and various stakeholder engagement activities. CICT is committed to maintaining high OHS standards and minimising occupational injuries, aiming for a 'zero harm' outcome. Training and Building Awareness The EHSMS is reinforced through structured training and awareness programmes for all staff. New staff receive comprehensive briefings on CapitaLand’s EHS policies and their specific roles. Department heads in administration, operations, and project development, as well as heads of operating properties, designmanagers, and project managers, are provided withmore extensive training programmes. We recognise the vital contribution of end-users, including our staff, tenants, and supply chain partners, in our properties' ecosystem. Our engagement with these stakeholders focuses on promoting overall wellbeing, health and safety, ensuring a safe and thriving environment for all. OHS site walk at CapitaSky 48 CAPITALAND INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL TRUST