Investment Calculator

Quotes Delayed 10 Minutes
Updated: 05 Jul 2024 17:15
SGX Symbol: C38U Currency: SGD
Last Done: 2.000 Volume ('000): 19,075.7
Change: +0.010 % Change: 0.5
Day's Range: 1.980 - 2.000 52 Weeks' Range: 1.680 - 2.080
Intra-Day Trade Quote
Opening: 1.990 Buy: 1.990
High: 2.000 Sell: 2.000
Low: 1.980 Buy Volume (Units): 2,060,700
Volume Done (Units): 19,075,700 Sell Volume (Units): 7,084,900
Profit & Loss Calculation

To estimate your profit and loss, please fill up the following 3 columns, "Price Purchase", "Share Held" and "Price Sold".

Gross Dividend Per Share
Share Held
Price Purchased Per Share (S$)
Price Sold (S$)
Total Gross Profit(Loss) On These Shares (S$)
Less Buying And Selling Commission (S$)
Less Clearing Fee (S$)
Less SGX Access Fee (S$)
Less GST (S$)
Net Profit(Loss) (S$)
As A Percentage, Your Investment Has Changed (%)
Net Dividend (S$)