Profile of a Growth Story

Growth at a Glance

Managing Positive Growth
Letter to Unitholders

Testimony of Growth

Milestones of Growth

Poised for Growth

Portfolio Analysis

Investor Relations

Growing Accountability

Financial Statements

Corporate Information



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CAPITAMALL TRUST (CMT) is the first listed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in Singapore. Launched in July 2002, this vehicle invests primarily in quality income-producing retail properties in Singapore. Income is mainly derived from rental payments received from a diverse range of local and international tenants. CMT’s portfolio is made up of four major shopping centres in primarily suburban areas, as well as an investment in the Class E Bonds issued by CapitaRetail Singapore Limited (CRS), whose investments are in three other suburban malls.

To date, CMT has consistently outperformed distribution forecasts since its listing.

CMT is managed by an external manager, CapitaMall Trust Management Limited (CMTML), which is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand), one of the largest listed property companies in Asia.

CMT will continue to explore yield-accretive acquisitions and investments as well as constantly pioneer new streams of income sources to maximise returns to unitholders.